March 4, 2010

New home!

From the series "New home, new people, new world" and "M-am mutat la casa noua", I proudly present my new virtual home - please give him / her / it an enormous applause:

It has a long story behind.
It is my brother's gift for my birthday… a very nice one, and I am sooo happy about it! Thank you, big brother!
But still, I had to decide about the name and the domain. Well, the name was easy… what else than "tamoeta", but the domain gave me a lot of headache: should it be (what I firstly thought about), or (what I didn't think about), but since I was / am / will hopefully be quite mobile, I think it should be more international… still sounds quite political, so I didn't like it at all at first and tried to find something else: .net, .org, .edu (this is it!!! Unfortunately I am not an educational institution… yet).
Then I made a poll, and 3 out of 3 votes were for… and here it is!!!

What is absolutely fantastic - I can have as many under pages subdomains as I like, for example: or or
and even… well, I'll think about this :P

For now, visitors will be forwarded to this web page, my blog, but I am looking forward to move in to my new home very soon.

Say hi to and keep your eyes open for further news on this topic.

Be happy!


Anonymous said...

Felicitaaari! >:D<

tamoeta said...

Multumesc, Sandra... din pacate nu inaintez foarte repede cu designul site-ului... dar sper ca il pot finaliza pana la vara (asta depinde de cand are de gand vara sa vina :))